Last year right before we got to Providence they got hit with Hurricane Irene. People were with out power for days. In preparation for this one that is supposed to hit I stocked up. Jamie thinks I am crazy but I don't want to get left in the dark (literally). I found a really cool adapter that plugs into the car so we can charge things or use things that plug in if we have no power for several days. I did however get the jump on my Christmas cards. Jax took awhile to pose for his picture but I got a couple good ones. Jax has his Halloween costume to go with me and Jamie it should be hilarious. There is a little sneak peek below. I chose one that I am not using. We start swimming lessons on Monday morning. I hope Jamie can make it but it will depend on what time his practice is. Walker got a tick bite and it was the grossest thing ever. I vacuumed the house top to bottom but the vet assured me I will not have an infestation. But now I am afraid to let the dogs out.
Baby Tardifs USA adventure
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
So Jax has a new best friend. These two are inseparable Jax for some reason he hates Walker and loves Trivette. He can't seem to get crawling down he keeps rolling over he just cant seem to figure out he has to move his other arm. No teeth yet but he sure is drooling and looks like he is constantly chewing something. He sleeps through the night! Letting him cry at first was hard but now he hardly makes a peep! 7-7 ish he likes to wake up in the morning and sometimes play a bit ad then go back to sleep for another 45 mins. He eats like a tank, bannanas, pears, apple, sweet potato, winter squash, vegetable meadly, chicken and veg, oatmeal ect. He loves his rice crackers. They are the best he eats them when we eat our dinner to get him used to meal time. HOpefully next post he os crawling!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Were Here!
Eminem 8 mile!?
Well we are all settled in in Providence. We got a place right near the mall :) Jax did amazing on the car ride and he has mastered sitting up on his own. His sleeping is getting way better also now that we have settled in. We have a great yard for the dogs and they are settling well also. The floors are carpet so they romp around pretty well. We are going to join the YMCA today. They have free childcare while I work out. I am going to do Zumba and Yoga. We will have to see if the Zumba is as good as jennys. Jamie Has a preseason game tonight. Tomorrow I believe we will be wathcing football. Jax pushes himself up from the bumbo into a sitting position! On a side note we got a hobby lobby!!! Now all i need here is a World MArket and I will be on cloud nine! I cant wait to get together with all the girls here, I wont be such a hermit this season I can drink!!! Friday is opening night but I am debating going it is vaccination day so we will see how the little guy is as long as he dosen't get a fever we will try it. It just will be a pain because it is so close to bed time for him!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Hockey Season ???!!!
As we know usually Jamie is packing up to leave after the long weekend. But with the strike looming and uncertainty of what exactly happens to us we will be enjoying just a little bit more time in Canada. The up side is that we get to spend more time wit our family's and the grandmas will get a little more Jax time before we go.
Jax has started to wake up every night at 3am, but he does go right back to sleep and most mornings sleep until 8 or 9. He has started eating solids and is almost 20lbs. He is off the charts tall so Jamie is a proud daddy. It has been a crazy busy summer, having a little guy really keeps us on our toes. Jax has started to try and crawl. It is pretty funny how strong he is but he hasn't realized to use his hands yet.
Jax has started to wake up every night at 3am, but he does go right back to sleep and most mornings sleep until 8 or 9. He has started eating solids and is almost 20lbs. He is off the charts tall so Jamie is a proud daddy. It has been a crazy busy summer, having a little guy really keeps us on our toes. Jax has started to try and crawl. It is pretty funny how strong he is but he hasn't realized to use his hands yet.
Friday, May 11, 2012
We have been Busy!
Well we are all settled in at home. It has been awhile since I have posted. Jax is getting huge. He is already just over 23 inches and 11 lbs and he is a month old! Jamie and I are horrible at taking pictures it is something I am going to have to work on. Jax only woke up at 1:45 am and 5:15 am, I am getting so excited that he may sleep through the night in several weeks!
I only have 4 lbs to go of baby weight thanks to the flu. It was so hard being sick because i couldn't go near Jax. Now I know how attached I am.
The dogs just love Jax they sleep near his crib and get up when he cries, and follow him where ever we take him. Those poor dogs have no idea what hey are in for once he becomes mobile!
I only have 4 lbs to go of baby weight thanks to the flu. It was so hard being sick because i couldn't go near Jax. Now I know how attached I am.
The dogs just love Jax they sleep near his crib and get up when he cries, and follow him where ever we take him. Those poor dogs have no idea what hey are in for once he becomes mobile!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Hes Here

Well April 9th (my due date) Jax decided to make his appearance. He was born just before 7pm. He weighed a whopping 9.2 and was almost 22 inches long! We re happily home and making our plans to travel back home to Toronto. Unfortunately we did not make playoffs. He sleeps and eats a lot and is overall very happy. We just have to wait for his birth certificate and then can head home. Tying up loose ends is a little harder with the little guy around, but mom and Jen are here so I will be putting them to work!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Easter weekend
Happy Easter!
So 40 weeks is fast approaching and no sign of this baby. We have a drs appointment on monday if nothing happens this weekend. If he will not induce me we have decided I will have a c-section. This perplexes me, he wont induce me but will book me for a c-section. My mom is here until the 19th so we will have the help if it comes down to the big c.
I thought several times I could be in labor but its just back pain and groin pains. So we will see what the weekend brings us I am hoping it is a baby!
Wish us luck!!
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