So this weekend we had visitors again which I love. Jamies dad and uncle came to visit! We mastered building a fire in our fire place thanks to the king. Jamies skills were lacking who knew you had to warm up the flume/ chimney. Jamies team got 5 out of 6 points this weekend, so thats made things cheerier around here. I had my first appointment with the OBGYN and he was amazing! He was so nice and is really hands on he explained alot of stuff to us that the drs back home just leave out. We FINALY got to hear the hb and it was 140 bpm. Jamie has been googling the wives tales to see if it is a boy or girl and 140 heart rate is supposed to mean a boy. In two weeks, Nov 7th, we get to find out if baby Tardif is a boy or a girl. I have still not popped yet but i am ok with that because the longer I can sleep on my belly the better. Oh and for anyone who is worried about Jamie because he missed Sundays game he is fine he just felt a little off.
I promised Jamie I wouldn't buy any baby things until we find out if we are having a boy or a
girl but i have found some amazing things online it is killing me. I am sure the day that we find out I will make a large online purchase!

16 WEEKS!!

Crib Bedding

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