37 weeks 5 days!
I cant imagine carrying a baby through the summer. It has been 80 here and it is killing me. I am swollen and sweaty and just want Jax to come. Jamie has been debating if he wants his full name to be Jax or Jaxon. I told him it was his decision and he was so excited about that.
We have packed up all our winter stuff which is a nice feeling. I just find it so hard not to take everything home with me. There is no point in having 15 pairs of jeans at home for the summer if i hardly ever wear them. Jamie says the kindling for his first fire at the cottage will be my old jean shorts. He hates them!
Marc and Patti were on there way here but lovely air canada went on strike this morning when they got there! Hopefully they can get a flight out but it wont be direct. I don't understand how they are allowed to go on strike like that people pay good money for flights!!! I told Patti to cry and tell them I was in labour, but then I thought that may jinx me and I will go overdue.
My mom is coming next weekend so I am not alone. I didn't realize Jamie is on a mini road trip. It is kinda weird because none of the games are to far away. Better safe than sorry though, I don't want to be by myself if I go into labour.
I told Jamie that there is an episode of Sex and the City where Miranda gives birth. I am going to make him watch it because thats how I want to be treated! I have set some rules for the delivery:
1) If you are not a medical professional stay above my waist.
2) No speaking to me unless you are a nurse telling me when to push and breath.
3) Don't touch me unless I ask.
4) No eating or drinking in front of me unless I am allowed to also.
5) No pictures of me until I have cleaned myself up.
6) I would prefer the nurse cleans the baby off all that before handing him to us. (I saw on a baby story they just put the newborn on a ladies chest and it was all bloody I don't want that)
I dont think I am asking for to much, Jamie just better not annoy me!

Yes my ankles are that fat!