So I am officially 35 weeks! The dr is on vacation next week so we will not see him until week 37. I am not dilated at all and he thinks it will be another month for Jax to make his debut. I was glad to fin out I gained no weight this week! Thank god I am beginning to run by the mirrors to avoid my profile! The Dr also assured me this horrible shooting searing pain in my groin it totally normal and to bare with it! I wanted to hit him. I also asked if I could be induced at 38 weeks he said no and looked at me like I was crazy. I just want to meet him already, and be able to put my shoes on with ease again!
Jax does have a cousin! My cousin gave birth to a little baby girl named Maya!! It is so exciting to have babies so close in age! They will be best buddies!!
Yummy this morning I had french toast with bananas on it. I saw a recipe that even had it topped with chocolate but I held back on the extra fat. The months have been flying by lately Jamie only has 16 games left in the regular season. I hope they make playoffs but it is not looking to promising with all the injuries here and in Boston.

Next monday since we dont have a DRs appointment we are hoping to make the trip to mass to go to the mall Jamie wants to go to lululemon (Not making that up) There is also a nordstrom rack near the mall so we would like to buy some baby stuff and since Jamie is so skinny he needs no jeans! I know right he decides to loose weight when I am packing it on nice husband.
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