Ok so it seems to save some time and to also save me from insanity I have decided to blog about a little bit more than just my pregnancy and living in Providence. On the topic of pregnancy though I did find a nice place that offers prenatal yoga, birthing classes, mommy and baby yoga, mommy and me classes and baby CPR. So next Tuesday night I am going to head on down to try a yoga class and see if I like it. If I enjoy myself there I am going to sign up for the mommy and me classes offered for when I am due.

Jamie has banned all things baby blue, baby yellow, light green and baby shades for Jax. I banned all things trains, animals, teddy bear prints ect. We have made some solid purchases so far but I have yet to find any baby sleepers with the feet that I like so I need to get on it. I found and amazing baby bag that is great for both Jamie and myself. The bag is a dark dark blue Armani with the amazing price tag of only $150. That is cheaper than the Coach one we wanted. To anyone who thinks that spending this much on a baby bag is crazy I have been reassured by other moms it is worth spending money on a well made bag rather than going through several crappy bags totaling up to what the expensive bag would have been anyways. ( I for sure convinced myself on that)

I did get the cutest Puma velour tracksuit today, Jax is going to look like an old man ! For some random reason I also bought baby sox , and those little mittens. The mittens I am not even sure why I need them, how are babies nails sharp aren't they soft?

So on a side note I am craving to buy a white blazer! I am not sure why and I know I cant wear it until the summer but I need it! I keep seeing so many cute outfit I ideas.

Jamie had an appearance at a pet store and brought his boyfriend Trivette. Trivette thought it was a good idea to eat things right off the shelf apparently, but on the upside he played with kids the whole time. Jamie brought home a nice surprise also dry shampoo for the dogs. I hope this helps with Trivettes stank!

I was just about to post this and out of nowhere there was this loud honking sound we don't hear it often but when big ships go through the bay they honk its kinda cool but also annoying.