I know I am not due until April but it seems that that date is fast approaching. Jamie still doesn't fully understand the concept of being prepared and having everything we need before Jax is born. Buying so many new items can really put a dent in the bank that why I have been looking for the deals and using coupons. However Jamie has screwed me over several times so far in the deal department! The stroller we wanted was on sale but he wanted to wait to get well guess what now its not on sale!! But low and behold I got a coupon for 20% off but it is only for today so we are going to get it! Also I was really against the ugly gliders for the nursery I wanted a nice looking upholstered chair. Again Jamie said no wait, well it sold out!! So i ordered and ugly chair. Given it was cheaper but it is not as pretty. So needless to say I am never listening to Jamie again.So wish me luck my list is getting shorter and I hope by the end of February it is fully completed.
Oh yeah the only thing Jamie is all about buying is those big huge tubs of diapers. I am not even sure if there is a price difference in the US and Canada so someone let me know the answer to this. I want to know if it is worth lugging a stock pile home with us or should I really never listen to Jamie again. (We just got back from babies r us and the bins of diapers are a crappy crappy deal I knew I am always right)

My stupid ugly chair came today!

So Happy we got this today! I broke a piece putting it together but I called and they are sending me the replacement piece for free!
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