So Jamie said he was going out to get the oil changed in his car but low and behold he came home with a christmas tree! We always wait until after Dec 2 to decorate but we didn't this year sorry Jenny! But on that note HAPPY DIRTY 30 JENNY!!

When I went to unpack what I thought was a bin of all my Christmas ornaments only to find that i somehow didn't pack any of them oops! We made a trip to the dollar store and to our surprise the tree turned out amazing! The mantel is not done yet but the dogs stockings are full!

I can't believe how much baby stuff we already have. We got a pack and play we decided there is no point in a crib until we get home. Next on our list we are going to order our stroller for some reason it is way cheaper online that in the store. Jamie gets annoyed with me because I want to have everything done soon, he's not the one getting huge and I am the one who always has to put everything together!
Won't you have a shower??? :) Let other people buy the stroller, the car seats, and the cute clothes from Gap! :) That's they joy of having your first!!!