Last year right before we got to Providence they got hit with Hurricane Irene. People were with out power for days. In preparation for this one that is supposed to hit I stocked up. Jamie thinks I am crazy but I don't want to get left in the dark (literally). I found a really cool adapter that plugs into the car so we can charge things or use things that plug in if we have no power for several days. I did however get the jump on my Christmas cards. Jax took awhile to pose for his picture but I got a couple good ones. Jax has his Halloween costume to go with me and Jamie it should be hilarious. There is a little sneak peek below. I chose one that I am not using. We start swimming lessons on Monday morning. I hope Jamie can make it but it will depend on what time his practice is. Walker got a tick bite and it was the grossest thing ever. I vacuumed the house top to bottom but the vet assured me I will not have an infestation. But now I am afraid to let the dogs out.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
So Jax has a new best friend. These two are inseparable Jax for some reason he hates Walker and loves Trivette. He can't seem to get crawling down he keeps rolling over he just cant seem to figure out he has to move his other arm. No teeth yet but he sure is drooling and looks like he is constantly chewing something. He sleeps through the night! Letting him cry at first was hard but now he hardly makes a peep! 7-7 ish he likes to wake up in the morning and sometimes play a bit ad then go back to sleep for another 45 mins. He eats like a tank, bannanas, pears, apple, sweet potato, winter squash, vegetable meadly, chicken and veg, oatmeal ect. He loves his rice crackers. They are the best he eats them when we eat our dinner to get him used to meal time. HOpefully next post he os crawling!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Were Here!
Eminem 8 mile!?
Well we are all settled in in Providence. We got a place right near the mall :) Jax did amazing on the car ride and he has mastered sitting up on his own. His sleeping is getting way better also now that we have settled in. We have a great yard for the dogs and they are settling well also. The floors are carpet so they romp around pretty well. We are going to join the YMCA today. They have free childcare while I work out. I am going to do Zumba and Yoga. We will have to see if the Zumba is as good as jennys. Jamie Has a preseason game tonight. Tomorrow I believe we will be wathcing football. Jax pushes himself up from the bumbo into a sitting position! On a side note we got a hobby lobby!!! Now all i need here is a World MArket and I will be on cloud nine! I cant wait to get together with all the girls here, I wont be such a hermit this season I can drink!!! Friday is opening night but I am debating going it is vaccination day so we will see how the little guy is as long as he dosen't get a fever we will try it. It just will be a pain because it is so close to bed time for him!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Hockey Season ???!!!
As we know usually Jamie is packing up to leave after the long weekend. But with the strike looming and uncertainty of what exactly happens to us we will be enjoying just a little bit more time in Canada. The up side is that we get to spend more time wit our family's and the grandmas will get a little more Jax time before we go.
Jax has started to wake up every night at 3am, but he does go right back to sleep and most mornings sleep until 8 or 9. He has started eating solids and is almost 20lbs. He is off the charts tall so Jamie is a proud daddy. It has been a crazy busy summer, having a little guy really keeps us on our toes. Jax has started to try and crawl. It is pretty funny how strong he is but he hasn't realized to use his hands yet.
Jax has started to wake up every night at 3am, but he does go right back to sleep and most mornings sleep until 8 or 9. He has started eating solids and is almost 20lbs. He is off the charts tall so Jamie is a proud daddy. It has been a crazy busy summer, having a little guy really keeps us on our toes. Jax has started to try and crawl. It is pretty funny how strong he is but he hasn't realized to use his hands yet.
Friday, May 11, 2012
We have been Busy!
Well we are all settled in at home. It has been awhile since I have posted. Jax is getting huge. He is already just over 23 inches and 11 lbs and he is a month old! Jamie and I are horrible at taking pictures it is something I am going to have to work on. Jax only woke up at 1:45 am and 5:15 am, I am getting so excited that he may sleep through the night in several weeks!
I only have 4 lbs to go of baby weight thanks to the flu. It was so hard being sick because i couldn't go near Jax. Now I know how attached I am.
The dogs just love Jax they sleep near his crib and get up when he cries, and follow him where ever we take him. Those poor dogs have no idea what hey are in for once he becomes mobile!
I only have 4 lbs to go of baby weight thanks to the flu. It was so hard being sick because i couldn't go near Jax. Now I know how attached I am.
The dogs just love Jax they sleep near his crib and get up when he cries, and follow him where ever we take him. Those poor dogs have no idea what hey are in for once he becomes mobile!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Hes Here

Well April 9th (my due date) Jax decided to make his appearance. He was born just before 7pm. He weighed a whopping 9.2 and was almost 22 inches long! We re happily home and making our plans to travel back home to Toronto. Unfortunately we did not make playoffs. He sleeps and eats a lot and is overall very happy. We just have to wait for his birth certificate and then can head home. Tying up loose ends is a little harder with the little guy around, but mom and Jen are here so I will be putting them to work!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Easter weekend
Happy Easter!
So 40 weeks is fast approaching and no sign of this baby. We have a drs appointment on monday if nothing happens this weekend. If he will not induce me we have decided I will have a c-section. This perplexes me, he wont induce me but will book me for a c-section. My mom is here until the 19th so we will have the help if it comes down to the big c.
I thought several times I could be in labor but its just back pain and groin pains. So we will see what the weekend brings us I am hoping it is a baby!
Wish us luck!!
Friday, March 23, 2012
hot hot hot!!

37 weeks 5 days!
I cant imagine carrying a baby through the summer. It has been 80 here and it is killing me. I am swollen and sweaty and just want Jax to come. Jamie has been debating if he wants his full name to be Jax or Jaxon. I told him it was his decision and he was so excited about that.
We have packed up all our winter stuff which is a nice feeling. I just find it so hard not to take everything home with me. There is no point in having 15 pairs of jeans at home for the summer if i hardly ever wear them. Jamie says the kindling for his first fire at the cottage will be my old jean shorts. He hates them!
Marc and Patti were on there way here but lovely air canada went on strike this morning when they got there! Hopefully they can get a flight out but it wont be direct. I don't understand how they are allowed to go on strike like that people pay good money for flights!!! I told Patti to cry and tell them I was in labour, but then I thought that may jinx me and I will go overdue.
My mom is coming next weekend so I am not alone. I didn't realize Jamie is on a mini road trip. It is kinda weird because none of the games are to far away. Better safe than sorry though, I don't want to be by myself if I go into labour.
I told Jamie that there is an episode of Sex and the City where Miranda gives birth. I am going to make him watch it because thats how I want to be treated! I have set some rules for the delivery:
1) If you are not a medical professional stay above my waist.
2) No speaking to me unless you are a nurse telling me when to push and breath.
3) Don't touch me unless I ask.
4) No eating or drinking in front of me unless I am allowed to also.
5) No pictures of me until I have cleaned myself up.
6) I would prefer the nurse cleans the baby off all that before handing him to us. (I saw on a baby story they just put the newborn on a ladies chest and it was all bloody I don't want that)
I dont think I am asking for to much, Jamie just better not annoy me!

Yes my ankles are that fat!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
37 weeks FULL TERM
Today was double whammy Drs appointment. I had my hernia appointment first and the out come of that was I have a hernia but do not need a c section! Its just a little one that is of no concern. Then we had our OBGYN appointment. I am 1cm dilated but apparently that means nothingand it still could be weeks. I am full term now so any time now Jax can GET OUT OF MY BODY!!!!
Of all the days to have off Jamie somehow had no game on St.paddys day. He behaved himself!
I am running out of ideas of meals to make for dinner. I have gotten lazy when it comes to cooking. I hate having to go and buy a boat load of ingredients! A lot of baby books recommend making meals ahead and freezing them so that you don't have to cook for a couple days once the baby is born. One of the girls on the team told me there is a place that sells homemade meals that are frozen so I am leaning more towards that than making some myself!
36 weeks!
So we had a nice trip to the outlets yesterday. There happens to be an UGG outlet, how could I resist the baby UGGS on sale. I got a pair of slippers in black and a brown pair for the winter! I can't get enough of the baby shoes. I didn't get anything for myself I think Jamie almost died of shock.
I have been feeling good but man my feet are swollen I have to sit for most of the day with them up. I have been sleeping with them up also. Less than 4 weeks until we meet this little guy. The weather has really warmed up and we cant wait to get to the cottage!

Got these in black!

Trivette Having a Snuggle with his moms belly

36 weeks

36 weeks
Friday, March 9, 2012
Just a little midweek update
Its official I am retaining water! My lips have ballooned. I am hoping it is just a case of mild dehydration so I started my morning off with tons of fluids. Seriously though it is pretty funny looking. I a also retaining water in my thighs! It makes me feel a bit better that it is not fat and hopefully that means after birth I go back to normal faster!
Weather was almost 70 here yesterday. It isn't as warm today but it will be nicer agin later in the week.
Jamie will be so embarrassed to go shopping with me on Monday. I just printed out like 4 coupons. They are all for the stores he likes. Him and his stupid weight loss he needs all new jeans.
Poor little guy is running out of room in my belly! I feel him move but I can tell he is crammed in there with not much room for exercise. It does hurt more when he presses on my ribs and sides. He seems to be in the same position for a while now. Fingers crossed head down!
Monday, March 5, 2012
35 Weeks

So I am officially 35 weeks! The dr is on vacation next week so we will not see him until week 37. I am not dilated at all and he thinks it will be another month for Jax to make his debut. I was glad to fin out I gained no weight this week! Thank god I am beginning to run by the mirrors to avoid my profile! The Dr also assured me this horrible shooting searing pain in my groin it totally normal and to bare with it! I wanted to hit him. I also asked if I could be induced at 38 weeks he said no and looked at me like I was crazy. I just want to meet him already, and be able to put my shoes on with ease again!
Jax does have a cousin! My cousin gave birth to a little baby girl named Maya!! It is so exciting to have babies so close in age! They will be best buddies!!
Yummy this morning I had french toast with bananas on it. I saw a recipe that even had it topped with chocolate but I held back on the extra fat. The months have been flying by lately Jamie only has 16 games left in the regular season. I hope they make playoffs but it is not looking to promising with all the injuries here and in Boston.

Next monday since we dont have a DRs appointment we are hoping to make the trip to mass to go to the mall Jamie wants to go to lululemon (Not making that up) There is also a nordstrom rack near the mall so we would like to buy some baby stuff and since Jamie is so skinny he needs no jeans! I know right he decides to loose weight when I am packing it on nice husband.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
34 Weeks........

So I gave up chocolate for lent, I am hoping I can get through it! I have been feeling great but really wish I could put on my shoes and sox with out a struggle. I caved and bought one more pair of maternity pants because I was sick of the same 2 pairs. Jax has been resting either on my bladder or diapram. So if he's not making me pee he's suffocating me!
We had our 34 week check up and all went well! I was given drugs for my sinus infection so I am over the moon!
Jamie had 3 games in 3 nights as usual so it was nice to sleep in. We traded in our truck for a family vehicle. I am so happy because we will all fit comfortably! The dogs and Jax will be happy.
Trade deadline has come and gone and we are still here in Providence I was is no mood to get a phone call and have to move!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
33 weeks

Hunger seems to have taken over my body. I cant get enough of anything. Healthy foods are just not cutting it. I have been avoiding the freezer because Jamie bought me a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream! I hope Jamie cracks and wants pizza for dinner tonight after the game.(fingers crossed)
I have my next doctors appointment Feb 27 (week 34) I guess I go more often now. I do have a doctors appointment in march to see if this little guy gave me a hernia! Im not in pain from it or anything but we would like to know for sure if it is a hernia or a swollen gland! The joys of pregnancy.
We are going to look at some SUVS tomorrow so that Jax doesn't have to be crammed in the car or truck with the the dogs in his face. I am sure that Trivette wouldn't mind that though, I am betting he will be Jax's shadow.
I put up a little shelf so that we could mount the baby monitor camera thingy. Now I just feel like we have a pervert cam in the spare room. We have batteries in everything and all the clothes are washed. I am so bored with all of this stuff done so I have just been cleaning the house like crazy to fill the time.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Happy Valentines day! And week 32!

Happy valentines day! We arent doing anything crazy just a nice cooked dinner and relaxing night of tv watching. We had our drs appointment and as usual very uneventful. Our next one is in two weeks. Other than that not much happening here.Mom and Dad were here for a couple days it was nice. We finished our baby list!!! I couldn't have done it with our them. But now I have nothing to do! I even have everything for my hospital bag! Jamie thinks thats insane but i say its not insane if i go into labour early we will be prepared. I did gain 5lbs in 3 weeks opps! But the dr is not concerned because I am only at a total of 25lbs. I was hoping not to gain more than that but looks like thats out the window. People say I still look good because my face isn't fat yet lol.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
31 weeks/super bowl/ wasting time
Jamie is gone untill Thursday, so i have been filling my days with random things. I wander different stores and have spread my errands out to fill the week. I found the cutest canister that my mom would die for! When I checked the price on it it was only 6.99 I just about died.

Before Jamie left i made this amazing casserole meal. It was so easy and yummy we ate the whole thing. It was almost to pretty to eat. For dessert we had these Elvis cupcakes! Chocolate, bannanas and Peanut Butter YUMMY! I am for sure getting cupcakes from the same place on any special occasion!

Here is a picture for anyone who doubts that the dogs BOTH sleep with us! They are to cute to kick out though.

Rooting for the patriots!!!! Jamie can win a nice chunk of money if they do!
I read the funniest thing in a pregnancy blog. This lady listed all of these things to expect from pregnancy and one of them was giving up booze is not as hard as people think! Is she crazy, I want to cry everytime I see anyone drinking. I dont like crown royal but whenever I make one for jamie my mouth waters!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
10 Weeks Left!

Well Let the count down begin. I have so many different crazy emotions going on now. I am for no good reason paranoid of an early delivery. I am realizing this is real and we will have a little baby by easter! I hope he is healthy and that I don't need a c-section. My dr told me there is no need for another ultrasound because everything was fine when we found out it was a boy at 18 weeks. I have been crazy hungry! Jamie is grossed out by the amount of food that I consume. I am addicted to applesauce with cinnamon and pears.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Lazy Days
Ok so as I mentioned we went to the casino. I called it by the wrong name it is Foxwoods. It is only 40 mins away and is huge! I had a pedicure and it was expensive but amazing. I was so tired after I went and napped in the car while Jamie kept gambling. I felt pretty crappy today so we did nothing. The DR suggested I start taking iron pills so I am hoping that does the trick and gets me some energy back. I think this extra weight is really taking its toll on me. walking the dogs feels like running a marathon. Even vacuuming is tiring. Jamie said he would help but he is the worst cleaner on earth and I know I would just redo what he did. Its the thought that counts right.

Amazing spa at the casino

The gigantic Casino
Thursday, January 26, 2012
All star break
Well all star break has started and we have no real plans. We are going to take the 45 min drive to the huge Foxboro Casino. It is huge. Jamie can gamble and I may get a pedicure. I had my check up and all is well. The poor DR was crazy busy and had to deliver a baby. I will be 30 weeks on Monday! So far my total weight gain is 20 lbs. I shouldnt gain more than 30 all round so thats good news also.
Jamie just went out to pick up a 19 inch tv that he won. It is weird because he was just talking about how we needed a tv for the nursery, so it was a nice surprise.
After break jamie is headed to St.Johns nfld. The same day he comes home mom and dad also fly in!!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Back ache, front ache, acne ahhhhhh!!!
So I thought I was in the clear I had made it this far but then it hit me back pain. Jamie booked me a massage on the 23rd so it better help. I also thought I was over this acne thing but no, it all came back, I got some on my belly now also blah! I keep getting icky feelings in my front now also this I believe is due to my stupid belly button making its transition to an outie! On the bright side I have no swollen body parts and no stretch marks! Fingers crossed I stay this way, well I am not opposed to my lips swelling.

Baby Tardif is growing!
Friday, January 13, 2012
28 Weeks
So I am officially entering the 3rd trimester! 12 more weeks to go. ( I am hoping only 10 left) I have an appointment on the 24th ( the day after Jamie's b-day) I believe it is just a regular check up nothing special.
The great debate we are having now is what monitor to get. There are so many out there to choose from. Jamie has his heart set on a video one so when he is at the fire pit at the cottage he can see Jax. Seriously thats the only reason Jamie wants a monitor. I cant believe how expensive they are.
I did go on the manhunt for a product here only to find out they dont have it in the US. So my mom is brining me a big canister of Penaten. (for those that dont know its bum cream). Also on a side note it is really helpful for taking the red out of zits.
For all moms out there with babies this is the best product ever. It took me awhile to find them in an array of colors but I did. The zutano bootie is amazing. It has a baby button so they never fall off! When I baby say the little girl had these and you never had to worry about cold feet!

Thursday, January 12, 2012
Cribs and bedding, Check!
I spoke with my mom today and she went out an bought a crib and dresser for us for when we get back to Canada. The cribs are made in Canada and have non toxic paint. She also told me that my cousin Kris and his wife Jo are giving us their girls old crib for the cottage! I am so excited! It will be nice to get home and not have to worry about getting that stuff ready. I did find a crib set that is beautiful that is priced very well.

This is the crib but in dark finish

Jaxons everyday bedding

Cottage bedding in a costal theme that my mom bought!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Heat Wave

Beautiful view from our neighborhood while walking the dogs
Yesterday it was 60 degrees!! Thats right people 60!! It is supposed to be nice all week! I love this weather. I had an emotional moment yesterday. I was in my car and just as I was pulling in the driveway a some came on that reminded me of GR. I have developed a love hate relationship with this song and I know that anyone who has been to any michigan sporting event knows exactly what song I am talking about. "DONT STOP BELIEVING" It brought back some great memories!
27 Weeks on Monday! Time is flying! All star break is coming at the end of the month there is talk of us doing something but to tell you the truth I am very content staying in Providence cooking yummy food and getting couples massages and pedicures. We will how that flies with Jamie.

27 Weeks tomorrow!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Crossing things off our list!!
I know I am not due until April but it seems that that date is fast approaching. Jamie still doesn't fully understand the concept of being prepared and having everything we need before Jax is born. Buying so many new items can really put a dent in the bank that why I have been looking for the deals and using coupons. However Jamie has screwed me over several times so far in the deal department! The stroller we wanted was on sale but he wanted to wait to get well guess what now its not on sale!! But low and behold I got a coupon for 20% off but it is only for today so we are going to get it! Also I was really against the ugly gliders for the nursery I wanted a nice looking upholstered chair. Again Jamie said no wait, well it sold out!! So i ordered and ugly chair. Given it was cheaper but it is not as pretty. So needless to say I am never listening to Jamie again.So wish me luck my list is getting shorter and I hope by the end of February it is fully completed.
Oh yeah the only thing Jamie is all about buying is those big huge tubs of diapers. I am not even sure if there is a price difference in the US and Canada so someone let me know the answer to this. I want to know if it is worth lugging a stock pile home with us or should I really never listen to Jamie again. (We just got back from babies r us and the bins of diapers are a crappy crappy deal I knew I am always right)

My stupid ugly chair came today!

So Happy we got this today! I broke a piece putting it together but I called and they are sending me the replacement piece for free!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Looking good and being practical
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Perfect Weather
Funny story:
So Marc and Patti were down this weekend and for our xmas gift the got us a camera so we went to pick it out. We were looking around in best buy and we found some cameras that we really liked. Then the sales associate gave us a piece of information that completely ruled out a camera that we liked....... If you take a picture of a red head with this camera it is going to look really bad!!!! I almost died! We were all in almost in tears. Needless to say we did NOT get that camera!
We are having some crazy warm weather here on the east coast it is amazing! There isn't even any snow in the forcast. I will be happy if it never comes. We don't even have a snow shovel of car scraper yet, it's great.
I didnt make a nye resolution because I cant vow not to spend money or buy things because we have a baby on the way. There is no point in vowing to loose weight because I am supposed to be gaining it right now! I will make my resolutions once the baby is born, that can be my resolution!
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